Enter the exact month and year, and approximate day of conception

If you're among the parents-to-be seeking an accurate method to predict your baby's gender, the Chinese gender predictor can confidently guide you through determining whether it's a boy or a girl and ultimately deciding to paint the nursery pink or blue. (Read: Accuracy of this method)

Chinese Calendar based Baby Gender Predictor

Gender Prediction: Calculating with Chinese Calendar

How does the Chinese birth calendar determine your baby's gender? The key to using the Chinese birth calendar to get accurate results is to determine the month of conception and the lunar age of the mother at the time of conception, both as per the Chinese calendar.

Once you have the lunar age and lunar month of conception, you can cross-reference them on the Chinese birth calendar, which consists of rows and columns representing different lunar ages and months. The intersection of the lunar age and lunar month will reveal a symbol or color that corresponds to the predicted gender of the baby.

We've simplified the Chinese gender predictor for your convenience. Enter your birth date and conception date in English calendar format, and we will convert your age and conception month to their corresponding Chinese calendar equivalent. Then, we will cross-reference these values in the Chinese pregnancy chart before finally displaying the result as specified in the traditional method.

While no 100% accurate baby gender predictor exists outside of scientific methods like ultrasound or genetic testing, the Chinese pregnancy calendar emerges as a compelling alternative. This method, which draws upon the principles of traditional Chinese astrology and the Chinese lunar calendar, offers fun, accuracy, and a non-invasive approach to gender prediction. By considering the mother's age and the Chinese month of conception, it endeavors to forecast the baby's gender with astonishing accuracy.

Chinese Baby Gender Predictor • Girl or Boy Prediction

Girl or Boy Prediction using Chinese gender predictor

The traditional Chinese gender predictor can help you determine whether you're having a boy or a girl and satisfy your curiosity while you wait for the big reveal.

More than the importance of knowing accurate baby gender, it's the fun, joy, and thrill of baby gender prediction that makes this approach a popular pregnancy tool used by expectant mothers worldwide.

For centuries, the Chinese birth chart has been considered a reliable tool for accurate baby sex prediction. Our baby gender prediction tool is a more simplified and user-friendly version of the authentic Chinese gender predictor.

While the origin of the Chinese birth calendar is shrouded in mystery, many expectant parents find it intriguing and enjoy using it as a fun way to guess their baby's gender and determine if pink or blue is in their future with astonishing accuracy!

Accuracy of Chinese Gender Prediction

The accuracy of the Chinese pregnancy calendar for predicting a baby's sex has long been debated in the medical community. Some studies suggest it is only as reliable as a coin toss. However, parents find the Chinese birth calendar surprisingly accurate to their own experiences. According to some surveys, it claims an accuracy rate of 95%. Millions of people worldwide trust this gender prediction tool, and it's no wonder!

While it may lack scientific validation, the Chinese calendar-based gender predictor holds significant cultural value and remains a beloved tool among expecting parents.

Chinese Gender Predictor 2024 & 2025

Chinese birth calendar 2024

Planning to get pregnant in 2024 or 2025? This gender predictor can be use to for choosing baby gender as well. Choose different conception dates and check the result to find if its a boy or a girl. Gender prediction for 2024 or 2025 can be done this way. However, using the Chinese gender chart will be easy for gender selection.

Chinese Gender Prediction: FAQs

Is the Chinese gender calendar a 100 percent accurate baby gender predictor?
No, the Chinese gender calendar is not 100 percent accurate and is not a reliable predictor of baby gender. While some claim that this gender calendar is accurate in determining the gender of the baby, it lacks scientific validation and guarantees. Researches show that it is no more accurate than guessing and its accuracy is comparable to a coin toss, with a 50-50 chance of being correct. This method is commonly used for fun and entertainment rather than as a definitive predictor.
Can the Chinese gender calendar be used to improve the chances of conceiving either a boy or a girl?
You must understand that a baby's gender is determined by a combination of biological factors far beyond the control of any method or technique, let alone the Chinese calendar. Many people may have successfully used the Chinese birth chart to influence the gender of their baby. However, such success is attributed to coincidence or personal belief rather than a scientifically proven method.
How does the Chinese birth calendar work?
The Chinese birth calendar is based on the belief that the lunar month of conception and the mother's age at conception can accurately predict baby gender. The calendar consists of rows and columns that mark the 12 Chinese lunar months and the mother's age at conception (18 and 45 years), respectively. The intersection of these rows and columns shows which mother's age-lunar month combinations are associated with a boy or a girl.
Is the Chinese pregnancy calendar safe to use?
Yes, this method is safe as it involves no medical or invasive procedures. There is also no potential risk of harm to the mother or the baby.
How is the chinese age or lunar age calculated?

A.To find your lunar age, subtract your birth year from the current year. Add 1 year to the result, accounting for the age counted at birth*. Add another year if your birthday falls after the Chinese New Year, as the lunar age increments with each Spring Festival.

*A baby is one year old at birth as per the chinese lunar system and another year older after every Chinese New Year.

For example, if you were born today and the Chinese New Year is yet to occur, your lunar age would be 1. You add another year to your age after the next 'lunar new year', even if the new year comes within a day, week or month from today. Likewise, If you were born in 1990 and have not yet celebrated the Chinese New Year in 2023, your lunar age would be 34 (2023-1990+1). If the 2023 Chinese New Year has already occurred, you should add another year to your age, which would make you 35 years old. Try the Chinese Age Calculator to quickly find lunar age.

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